NAGVA Help Center

Documentation Articles

Frequently asked questions
We receive many of the same questions from members and have started a Help Center with documentation articles to cover those frequently asked topics. Please search through the articles to see if your question is available.
Let us know if there is a documentation article that you are looking for but unable to find in the Help Center.
Still need help?
If you are not able to find your answer in the Help Center, you can always start a new conversation with our volunteers by using the conversation widget in the lower-right corner of every page on the website. Be sure to login to the site before sending any messages so that the system can verify your identity.

You can also e-mail our volunteer group at and they will route your help request to the appropriate NAGVA officer.

Si necesita ayuda en español, puede enviarnos un correo electrónico a


If you need to register as a new member, you can follow this New Member Guide. If you need to renew your membership you can follow this Renewal Guide.

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If you have forgotten your password please enter your registered email address here to reset your password.